Manage Discogs,
the Cratebase way.

Pick, pack & ship your orders in one flow, create shipping labels with 1 click and say goodbye to copy & paste.

Create shipping labels with 1 click.

Connect your shipping carrier contracts or use ours. With Cratebase you'll never copy & paste addresses to create your labels again.

Everything at once

Shipping label, customs form, everything done in 1 click.

Compare rates

Connect multiple carriers and get the best rates for every order.

Cratebase Shipping

Use our pre-negotiated and bulk international shipping rates. More info
feature 4

Order picking that is easy, fast and even fun.

Pull sheets and browser tabs are a thing of the past. Say hi to our optimized (bulk) order picking app!
No more paper. Not a single sheet.
Pick order 3x faster with bulk picking.
No Discogs experience required.
feature 6

The operating platform for Discogs sellers.

Get your ship in order. Join us today
Regain control of your operations and your business.
Save money on operations, add channels and grow your business.
Join our network of expert sellers and let's learn, build and grow together.
Fulfil orders 3x faster, every step is optimized for speed and scale.
Keep buyers posted in real time without wasting any of yours.
Get insights in orders, team productivity and revenue in one dashboard.